Monday, December 30, 2019

Why A Diverse Workplace Matters - 1093 Words

Introduction Today’s an age of competition. Every organization finds ways to be successful. The success of an organization lies in making profits and building brand image. The search by various scholars has found that a diverse workplace, if managed properly, can do wonders for the success of an organization. Diversity means differences due to race, gender, ethnic groups, age, personality, tenure, organizational function, educational background, etc. Diversity involves how people perceive themselves and how they perceive others. These perceptions affect their interactions. Why a diverse workplace matters? / Benefits of workplace diversity An organization’s success and competitiveness depends upon it’s ability to embrace diversity and realize it’s benefits. Due to divers workplace multiple benefits are reported such as below: †¢ Encouraged adaptability - Organizations applying a diverse workforce can supply a greater variety of solutions to problems in services, sourcing and allocation of resources. Employees from different backgrounds bring individual talents and experiences in suggesting ideas that are flexible in adapting to fluctuating markets and customer satisfaction. †¢ Broader service range – A diverse collection of skills and experiences, for example languages, cultural understanding, allows a company to provide services to a customer on a global basis. †¢ Variety of viewpoints – A diverse workforce that feels comfortable communicating various points of viewsShow MoreRelatedEmbracing Diversity Eth/1251596 Words   |  7 Pagestoward ethnic groups. We as a society will need to become more diverse in our society to accommodate this growth in our population. 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Working in a diverse organization it can give you a taste of the real world, and what you will deal with wherever you go. There is so much diversity in the world today so it is a benefit to experience it in the workplace as well. You are given the chance to learn so many things from different cultures, why wouldnt you want to work in a diverse organization? Ethnicity Read MoreAffirmative Action Are Effective Models For Younger Members Of Their Race1519 Words   |  7 Pagesposition because they were born a certain way. A positive role model for how to â€Å"rise through corporate meritocracy† is when they see someone they can relate to work the hard to reach their desired position. This role model had to beat out everyone, no matter the circumstances or backgrounds of the other employees. 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When it come to the overhaul sectors people think much comfort in selling with those companies, having the people related to them. This push most of the company to hire employs from diverse cultures and background as at present days the diversity of the community is at the uppermost due to the globalization. DIVERSITY: There is numerous ways to classify diversity. Most center of attention on an assortment of proportions, such as sex

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