Friday, December 6, 2019

Managing heritage and the cultural tourism -

Question: Discuss about the Managing heritage and the cultural tourism. Answer: Introduction The report helps in critically analyzing the risks and other issues in hospitality and tourism industries. The main issues are related to labor, marketing along with technological issues that can have huge negative impact on the industries (Pontingand O'Brien 2014). The different marketing issues are related to market segmentation and overlapping of different brands as well (McGehee 2014). This can have huge impact on the organization as when there is increase in the number of different brands, there is increase in differentiation among the customers regarding different brands that can cause huge loss to the respective company (Sigala 2017). The main aim and purpose of the report is to analyze the different marketing issues that can have huge impact on the business of the hotels. The different issues such as increased sophistication among the customers along with overlapping of brands are creating huge problem for the different tourism and hospitality industries (Fennell 2015). The structure of the report includes the analysis of the issues faced by the respective industry. The significant issues have to be ascertained, as this will help in analyzing the future growth for the particular industry. Analysis of the significant issues for future growth and development in Hospitality and Tourism Industry Positive The innovations relating to the guest room and the data mining helps in the future growth and development and helps in the economic growth (Zaitseva, Goncharovaand Androsenko 2016). The other reason is related to globalization wherein this is affecting the hospitality industry in a positive manner. In order to improve the different challenges and proper development is required in the entire tourism industry, proper analysis is required in order to improve such situations and this will help in analyzing the sequence of operations as well (Hornget al. 2013). The technological factors are essential in nature to be considered as this will help in understanding the disadvantages that is faced by the company and solve such issues (de Grosbois 2016). Negative There are different issues that are faced by tourism and hospitality industry wherein the main issues are related to marketing along with technological issues as the management is not performing well (Marianiet al. 2014). The different issues such as technological issues have to be properly ascertained wherein there are different other brands such as containment in the market that overlaps and this causes issues for the other companies in the competitive market Pulido-Fernndez, Andrades-Calditoand Snchez-Rivero 2015). The marketing techniques that are applied by the companies are not up to the standard, this is causing huge competition for the other companies, and there will be no recovery as well (Timothy 2014). Recommendations The major issues that have been identified in the analysis of the tourism industry are lack of proper marketing activities and the less use of technology in the different organizational activities. The profitability and the operations of the organization can be improved with three recommendations that are listed below. The marketing activities of the tourism industry needs to be designed in such a way so that it can attract more guests and increase their profitability. The attractive designing of the marketing activities can help the industry in gaining advantage over competition in the market. The tourism industry is quite different from the other industries as the place is sold and not any kind of products. The competition in the industry is huge as the companies in this industry need to compete with all other companies in the entire world. The creativity and uniqueness of marketing campaigns is important for success in this industry. The industry needs to update its operations constantly and showcase the latest images of the chosen destinations so that they attract consumers. The industry needs to develop the websites in such a manner so that they can collect the feedback of the customers and design their services accordingly. This will help the organizations in the tourism industry to gain more customers by providing them with attractive packages. The companies can carry out their promotional activities with the help of digital marketing, social media marketing and print ads. The organizations need to hire a professional advertising team to design successful advertisement campaigns to attract consumers to the destinations. The lack of usage of the latest technologies is another major factor that has been affecting the sales of the organization. Technology plays a significant role in the tourism and hospitality industry. The customers along with the businesses can gain a lot from the usage of advanced technologies. The major requirement of technologies is related to the reservation and systems of guest services. Streamlining the activities that are related to these aspects is the major role of latest technologies. Internet plays the pivotal role in the use of technology in the field of tourism. The experience related to tourism mainly starts from the point where the bookings are made by the customers. Technology can be used successfully for the promotion related plans of the organization. Another use of technology is the booking or reservations of the customers in the hotels as well as the tickets. The large tourism organizations can use technologies to stay connected and communicate with each other. Th e information can be stored easily with the help of computer systems and the database of the customers can also be maintained easily. This helps in improving the services that are provided to the customers by analysing their preferences and desires. Communication with the help of mobile phones can make the business activities easier and the customers can always be updated regarding the changes that can occur in the operations and processes. The other way by which the tourism industry can increase its profitability is with the help of sponsorships or events. The organizations can organize events that are related to the destination, which they are offering. This will help them to gain the interest of the customers that can further lead to the purchase of the packages. Discounts and giveaways can also be offered by the organizations so that they attract the customers and provide them with attractive packages. The coverage of these events by the media can help the organizations to gain ground and popularity in the field of tourism and increase their profitability as well. References de Grosbois, D., 2016. Corporate social responsibility reporting in the cruise tourism industry: A performance evaluation using a new institutional theory based model.Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Vol. 24, no.2, pp.245-269. Fennell, D.A., 2015. Ethics in tourism. InEducation for sustainability in tourism(pp. 45-57). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Horng, J.S., Hu, M.L.M., Teng, C.C.C., Hsiao, H.L. and Liu, C.H.S., 2013. Development and validation of the low-carbon literacy scale among practitioners in the Taiwanese tourism industry.Tourism Management, Vol. 35, pp.255-262. Mariani, M.M., Buhalis, D., Longhi, C. and Vitouladiti, O., 2014. Managing change in tourism destinations: Key issues and current trends.Journal of Destination Marketing Management,, Vol. 2, no.4, pp.269-272. McGehee, N.G., 2014. 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